holiday tips

An Unexpected Gratitude Practice For Thanksgiving (Or For Anytime): A Gift That Truly Keeps on Giving

An Unexpected Gratitude Practice For Thanksgiving (Or For Anytime): A Gift That Truly Keeps on Giving

Sometimes the most expedient and potent way back to our own hearts is through expressing our gratitude for others. This holiday season (or anytime) is a wonderful opportunity to nourish your own heart and those of the people you love…this is often especially true if you are feeling disconnected or challenged this holiday season. Here is an unexpected gratitude practice that might just lift your heart…

Video: How To Be More Present This Holiday Season (Or Anytime)

Video: How To Be More Present This Holiday Season (Or Anytime)

In this video, receive specific tips on how to be more present and feel more authentic connection and joy during the holiday season or anytime of year!